Which of God’s ways are being altered and how?
God created the physical dimension with intent and has expressed his purpose for his creation in the following Scripture.
Genesis 1:28… And God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”
God has directed that the human family was to have dominion over all other living things. This is his expressed will and “Way.”
How is God’s Way now being dishonored, disrespected, and disobeyed?
It is not difficult to observe examples of God’s way being disrespected when it comes to pet ownership. You can plainly see that there is no exercising of God’s Way with respect to the divinely assigned dominion. Pet ownership is now commonly referred to as “Adoption,” bringing a non-human entity into a family’s dwelling as an equal member of the family unit, often referring to the sub-human life form as a sibling. It is not uncommon to find families of meager means spending limited income on their pets’ food, clothing, toys, treats and veterinary care, grooming, and daycare services; while at the same time utilizing food banks, food stamps or other charitable assistance to feed their children. Owners commonly acquiesce when their pet displays preference for sharing the family’s furniture, possessions, or food when such were not intended for the animal. A family’s pet may playfully destroy an owner’s possessions, which is most often tolerated and generously forgiven and dismissed as cute. Absent is any disciplinary action. The lenient manner commonly employed in pet ownership reflects a disobedient disregard for God’s Way. This all-too-common rebellious attitude and action has gradually been established and embraced as preferred or acceptable behavior due to the wicked influence now plaguing mankind.
We will consider more about this influence as we develop the material below.
God created all things “according to their kind” and set forth a hierarchical arrangement by which to establish order. (Genesis 1:11-12; Genesis 1:24-27.) Each of God’s creatures is respectively given (according to its kind) a God-assigned “station,” which reflects a distinct designating of purpose and function which serves to bring honor to the creator. According to God’s expressed will (that of human dominion over non-human creatures), God assigned the first human (Adam) the task of naming all of the non-human living creatures. (Genesis 2:19-20) Since that time, have humans continued to honor God’s Ways in their exercise of dominion? No, they continue to alter the ways of God to suit their preference.
An interesting note is the current practice of DNA manipulation. Under the influence of rebellious spirit-beings, humans began manipulating the genetic code (DNA) of living things such as botanicals, animals, and even human embryos.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foodstuffs are filling the grocery store shelves and are suspect in the increased rate of human inflammatory conditions and the autoimmunity disease. The act of manipulating what has been called “The Code of Life” was never ordained by God.
When God first assigned Angelic spirit creatures to guard mankind, some rebel spirits abandoned their “station” and set themselves in a position of dominion over the earth, influencing thoughts, provoking to sin, and disrupting peace among mankind and the animal kingdom. Recall how God expressed anger when these rebel spirits acted against his ways when they made fleshly bodies for themselves and married daughters of mankind in order to produce offspring for themselves; something that was not of God’s Way but was far-removed from their station. Their attempt to become human actually reduced them to a condition far below humanity; one that was viewed by God as unclean, debased, unacceptable and therefore severely disciplined. In removing themselves from their once honored station, they lost the dignity and value inherent within each perfect creature of God.
Persisting in their wicked course, they attempted to reduce mankind into a similar debased condition and continue to employ many tactics. Rather than maintaining their honorable station of dominion, mankind has been influenced by diminishing their own authority by failing to exercise their rightful authority according to God’s Way. Inviting an animal to become a “family member” and cohabiting with them alters the God-assigned station of the animal, attempting to establish an equalization of the two vastly different species. This once-unimaginable feat has been influenced by evil spirits in an attempt to devalue humans in the eyes of God.
The ancient Egyptians deified animals. God demonstrated his judgement of their creature worship during the Ten Plagues sent upon Pharoah during the time of Moses. Egyptians once worshipped cats: Greeks once worshipped dogs: Cow worshipped is still practiced in Asia. Is this an accurate obeying of God’s Ways?
There are many scriptural examples of God’s people not being allowed to keep animals in the houses of his servants because of cleanliness (hygiene.) Archeological evidence suggests there were no indoor pets among God’s people in ancient Israel. Many scriptural references infer the unclean, scavenger status of dogs.
Without full realization of their actions or the subsequent consequences, humans have altered the ways of God. Consider: Is your pet treated or spoken to as though your “baby?”; or perhaps preferred or prioritized over your own family members? Elevating an animal (raising its station) as though equal to a human is the sin of deifying (moving its station upward toward God.) Exodus 20:3-5
Health Risks
As a pregnant woman your doctor would normally give you advice about having cats living indoors with you during the term of the pregnancy because the risk of infant death due to a parasitic infection. Here are a few diseases related to having cats in your home. Toxoplasma gondii infects about 30% of the human population.
Common feline Zoonotic diseases like CSD were approximately 40 % of cats are infected with it. Pasteurella multicide were 70 % of cats bites infect humans. Salmonella is commonly found in cat stool. Ringworm, Tapeworm, Cryptosporidiosis then there is neurotoxin’s that cause a whole range of allergies with humans, and these are just to name a few health risks to you.
What about dogs and the health risk for humans? Dander and hair cause significant allergies in the human respiratory system. Brucellosis, Campylobacteriosis, Capnocytophaga, Cryptosporidiosis, Echinococcosis, MRSA, Yersinia pestis, Sarcopyic Mange and Giardiasis. Then there are all the worms like Hookworm, Ringworm, and tapeworms.
Animals belong outside of your homes, not living indoors with humans, animals are unclean.
The Time of God’s Judgment Has Come
The following is a prayer for a Kingdom edict:
May there be a sword raised up and pass through the land as a plague on human dwellings; all such which serve as cohabitation of humans with dogs or cats. May the sword first rise upon the City of New York and proceed to engulf the world forever more. That if there should be found in it any pet being treated or raised up, to be stationed or considered equal to or above mankind, that the subhuman creature dwelling inside the human abode should be struck with a deadly blow. May the sword of God pass over any animal that is in servitude according to God’s righteous ways; and pass over any home where Godly cleanliness is practiced, as such this honors God.
Writingwithlogos.com – Least Revised 12/2/23