This timeline was developed from the information found at the Daniel chapter 9 prophecy. We have expanded the first spreadsheet from the 70 Weeks of years spreadsheet. We have taken the Jubilee cycle timeline all the way back into the garden of Eden. We have also projected it out into the future to the 7000-year mark from the time entry into the garden of Eden. We have also added in known historical facts at the proper years.
Please click on the link below it is to an Excel spreadsheet:
This file is big, it will not load up onto a cell phone all the data found in it. It works best on a laptop or desk top computer:
How to Use This Timeline
How are we to use these spreadsheets and understand them? If you had not had a chance to look at this spreadsheet let me, explain it to you.
The spreadsheet has no legend but in the first column we have the 49th day to year count. The second column will be the Gregorian year. The next column will be the year after entering the garden of Eden. The next column is for the events. The next two columns after that are used for date numbering followed up with the Jewish years to the far right and again at the bottom of the page we have in small print the page number.
The information for this spreadsheet came from multiple sources like Enoch’s prophecy, the book of Jubilees, the book of Baruch, and from the Bible and the dates it has given. We also picked up information from secular sources and the facts from history. Not forgetting to mention from the higher source Amos 3:7. – Last Revised 9/28/24