Timothy the Prodigal Son Isaiah 65:1-2, Acts 22:14-16
I was thirty-two years old when I woke one-day thinking, “what am I doing with my life”, that was in 1993. Soon after, I returned to the way I knew as truth, and to calling upon the name of my God Jehovah. To worshiping him in spirit and truth as he has asked us to. This life story of mine should help you see that there is hope for all who have called to the Lord (YHWH) at one time or another. For, I too was a dispersed one from God. Remember the Lord’s undeserved kindness is greater than we think. Ezekiel 34:11-16
Things That Help Define My Life
I was born in 1961 in Freeport Texas to parents of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and as I look back on my life, I remember things that help define it like, when our congregation was building our Kingdom Hall there in Freeport next to the Fire Station. The brothers had poured the foundation and were doing the finishing work on the concrete. I was about four years old; my family had just pulled up to the site and my dad said, “Do not go over to where the brothers are working”. It is funny how sometimes as kids we hear just some of the words in a sentence, and the rest just tumble out of our head. So, there I go, off I go to see to the work at hand. I ran up and was watching in my cowboy boots and hat and at that moment I knew then, that’s what I wanted to do, to build Kingdom Halls. I remember saying; “Ok let’s get to work”. But as fate would have it, my dad caught up with me and that ended my hall building career for the time being.
Soon we moved to Houston in 1967, I was six years old and my young brother was four and a half, and in our new house one night I got scared. I felt like my bed was moving so I called out “Jehovah” as loud as I could and then to my “Dad”. My dad came running, and he assured me that it was just my muscles relaxing making me think that the bed was moving, and that I was ok, well Jehovah came too.
Privilege of Serving Others
By the age of twelve I was handling the sound equipment and was an unbaptized publisher of the good news with the Bellaire Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We also had the privilege as a family to open up our home to the brothers and sisters to stay in, as they were getting medical help from the Hospital’s in the Medical Center here in Houston Texas.
The next privilege I got to share in was, for me to be in the drama of Esther at an assembly. I was fourteen years old then. And I was one of the little boys that was to get shoved to the ground in the drama. I was so worried because my costume kept flopping up every time I was pushed to the ground and I would have to cover up right away, what was I going to do? Guess what, the day of the drama no flopping up of my costume. Jehovah is indeed the hearer of prayer, and the one who answers those who are concerned of heart. Psalms 65:2-5, 1 Samuel 1:18
The Year Spiritual War Broke Out
I got baptized in 1975, and that’s when Satan unleashed his attacks, too many to relate, and too difficult to explain. Before I could count to three, I was eighteen and was out of the brotherhood, the enemy had over run me. You see, I had not really made the truth my own yet. And as I look back now, I can see it so clear. Thou I had prayed in the past; I had not held on to prayer, I had always let others pray for me. I soon became one of the ones dispersed from the Lord; I spent the next 14 years going only to the assembly’s or to the Memorial. I marred out of the brotherhood, yet my wife did get baptized but still we only made some of the meetings. I would say to myself, “this fight is between Jehovah and Satan, not me,” boy was I wrong.
The Awaking
We had two boys before I woke up one day in 1993. I found myself to be that prodigal son that Jesus had referred to in his illustration. Luke 15:1-32
It is an interesting thing that I have now come to learn, it is Jehovah who is the one who disperses or dismisses us, form his service. But it is always with the intent to call you back. Looking back, I can see the times that Jehovah would look my way to see if I was ready, to come back. I am so thankful that he kept looking for me. For I was a log snatched from the fire. Zechariah 3:1-7
A Fight For My Faith & Hope
I found my self-coming back to the meeting, by myself at first, and at the same Kingdom Hall were my dad was an elder. Now I started to make the truth my own. Satan started to block me, but my faith was too strong now. I was no longer under the fear of slavery, there was a new force actuating my mind. Ephesians 4:22-24, Romans 8:12-17
Now Satan had to find a new way of attacking me, and it was not long before he tried. Matthew 4:1, Luke 4:13, 1 John 4:1-3
I pondered about the things that happened to Job, and how Satan tried to make it seem like it was God who was attacking him. How thankful we should be, because we at least know what Satan is up to, and it should be no surprise to us that he even transforms himself into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
Yes, the game was a foot, and I was going to be his pray. Many are the traps that he uses some simple, but others not so simple. I must say that I am impressed at how well laid out, oh how elaborate, how thought out his traps are. And if it were not for our God checking his hand, we would indeed be his lunch. Jesus made the request from God for him to watch over us and we should be so thankful that he did so. John 17:15-16, Isaiah 54:15-17, Luke 22:31-32, Hebrews 2:18, 1 Peter 4:12-14
As my grandma would say, out of the frying pan, and into the fire it goes. {me that is} I too feel like the Apostle Paul, “Miserable man, that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death?” Romans 7:24, 2 Corinthians 2:14-16
The Sweet Odor of Christ
The apostle Paul here was describing a perceptible procession. What is this procession? It is a way of living our life, following Jesus Christ. This life we lead becomes evident, perceptible because we play by the rules of conduct, and we are allowing ourselves to suffer just like the Christ. We have put on the Christ like personality and people will see it. We are in a triumphal procession because we keep holding on to Jehovah our God with Jesus Christ help. 2 Corinthians 2:14-17, Colossians 3:5-10
Is it not a easy thing to suffer! Not at all, but we follow the pattern set out before us by Jesus Christ and his apostles. James 5:10-11, 1 Peter 2:19-23
Pretty soon people notice that there is something different about us, we talk about the things that interest us, things about the kingdom of God. Jesus told us something special that we need to do to, that we need to have and show love among ourselves and to let our light shine. John 13:35, Matthew 5:14-16
It was not long before; the love that you show is not reciprocated it is not returned, you even become an enemy of God in the eyes of those around us. Let us look at some examples of this.
Matthew 24:9-13, Acts 12:1-4, Acts 14:2-6, Acts 21:17-24, 2 Timothy 4:1-5
A Great Tribulation
The apostle Paul began to find enemies among those who he spoke the truth to. These very men tried to twist the things that apostle Paul was teaching. When that did not work, they begin to tell the people that apostle Paul was teaching apostasy. And when that did not work, they tried to physically kill him. We should not really be surprised about the things that happen to the apostle Paul because it happened to all the disciples of Jesus Christ.
Christ Jesus himself even warned of such things at Matthew 24:3-13. The apostle Paul also warned us about the misleading inspired utterances at 1 Timothy 4:1. The apostle John also found it necessary to warn about these things 1 John 4:1.
The Apostasy
How could this apostasy happen? How could things get so twisted up that the good becomes bad and bad becomes good? That one day you find yourself not in the truth but defending truth? This is not easy to explain and even hard to understand but it can be summed up in what Jesus Christ’s spoke about in his illustration at Matthew 7:13-21.
So, we should be able to identify aspects about this apostasy, first you must go through a narrow gate to get away from the apostasy, it is difficult to disassociate yourself with friends that are on the wrong road. Next, he describes that we must be careful of false prophets, though they look like sheep but inside their wolves. But we are not without hope we are given a clue what to look for, it is their fruitage. Galatians 5:22-23
What do they think is important, is it the word of God found in the Bible that they hold dear, or is it the teaching of man? How do they conduct themselves secretly? Do they seek their own advantage? Or do they worry about how they will be perceived? The words they speak do they benefit all or just some? Does their teaching contradict the word of God found in the Bible? Are they just, fair and kind or are they unkind, overly righteous and are playing favorites? Do they hold on to dogma?
Do you not really know that a dog is related the wolf? Jude 1:10-19, Philippians 3:2-3, Revelation 22:14-15
Killed for Being a Disciple of Christ
The last year of Jesus Christ ministry upon this earth was one of that led him into direct opposition to the religious leaders of that day. That confrontation in-bolded the enemies of truth, which led to Jesus Christ being killed. The apostle Paul found in the latter part of his ministry the same confrontation and it to led to his being killed. All the apostles were killed as martyrs for the name of Christ Jesus, and if you take up this fight in the name of Jesus Christ for truth and for righteousness you too will be killed by those who oversee this world affairs. I love what the apostle Paul had to say about this, and it rings so true in my ear today. Hebrews 13:12-14
We must bear the reproach that Jesus himself bore; he was viewed as an enemy to a way of worship established at the hands of Moses. Again, why is this happening? The apostle Peter answers at 1 Peter 4:14, Acts 7:51-60, and John writes at Revelation 6:9-11.
I too was killed, cut off from the ones I love. In no way to be revived so they think, and thus begins my story of being led by the spirit of truth the helper. My story is not for the many, but for the few because it is through the narrow gate I had to go. John 16:1-3, John 16:7-15
Being Led By The Spirit
It was the year 1975 when I was baptized at an assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses but unlike some, we were actually baptized off-site at a facility referred to as the YMCA in Houston Texas close to the area of town called River Oaks. There were a small group people being baptized that day so, there was not a lot of people around clapping and being joyful.
This was important because I noticed that as soon as I came up out of the water that I had felt the Holy Spirit on me, this was not a subject that we talked about. All I knew at that time, I just remember being or feeling cold, like goosebumps on my skin. As I felt power of love come over me, yes, I received the Holy Spirit at the time of my baptism.
I was puzzled at the time; it was not until years later when looking back on it that time that I realize what had happened. I had been baptized in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Later on, I am not sure about the time and date, but the organization known as Jehovah’s Witnesses begin to baptize in a different manner than this. I can tell you now that it only took a little bit of time after I was baptized before I become dispersed from my God, and a people that I had grown up with.
I can say that during that period of my life the wicked one tried to get me to engage in all sorts of badness. I also would be choked at night while I slept, and I would have to think of and on God’s Name in my head before I would be relieved of torment from them. In time Jehovah allowed me to draw back to him. As I repented of my sins and started to cleanse my life.
There were some very interesting things that I was taught about spirits and their effect they have upon mankind. After all they do try to control mankind and with that being said they also have the ability to put a thought into your head. That is just one way that they control mankind. Well, let me just tell you what happened to me, and you will understand.
One of my problems was looking Longley at women. So, one day as I was driving down the road there was this thought that said, “wow look at that beautiful woman” and I replied out loud where? Then it hit me, how can I say look at that beautiful woman if I never saw her? Who said that? I was wondering, then it was revealed to me that wicked spirits can put bad thoughts into your head and if you act on them, they become your thoughts.
One of the other things they use to control mankind with is; they can impress desire upon you, that is right they can push a feeling upon you to cause you to act upon it. Whether it be desire, lust or anger. I would like to remind you that they will live through you and your experiences with emotions that you have and the actions that you take because they become sharers with you. Yes voyeurs in your life. These things I tell you are meant to educate you, to spare you from being manipulated and controlled by the wicked spirits.
I had to learn this lesson. I was under an extreme lustful desire; it was so strong it was driving me to go look at pornography I was no longer under self-control. I found one of those 24-hour shops that had extreme depravity in it, so I pulled my vehicle and went inside, and all the sudden desire had left me. I stood inside the door for minute walking around not really looking at anything but as soon as I stepped out the door that lustful desire was again upon me in a very strong way. I went and I sat in my vehicle wondering what was going on? So, I got out of my vehicle again and went back inside the store and the desire left me. I turned right back around and went out again and that desire was upon me immediately upon me just as strong. This my friends this is not rocket science, I immediately identified that these were not my thoughts or feelings, but they were being impressed upon me by a wicked spirit.
I was then able to pray to get relief thank God we can get relief from these things, we do not have to be held fast by wickedness any longer, but we have to choose to do what’s right, we have to serve the living and true God Jehovah. At this point in my life, I have learned four valuable things as respects the spirits. First, they can physically harm you. Second, they can get in your head with their thoughts and feelings in an attempt to control you. Third they can communicate with you by projecting their thinking into your head. Fourth you can get relief from these spirits by calling upon the true God and asking for help.
Abba Father
1993 I began to read the Bible every day, and every night. I was now attending the Spring Branch Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I learned so much from reading the bible, I had a faith that was growing ever so strong. One night as I was praying and the Abba Father popped out of my mouth, I did not know what that was, I had not understood what I said. I did realize that it was not me that had said that. So, I immediately begin to pray for forgiveness for I did not know what I was saying.
My faith was strong, and I was speaking about the things that I was learning from the Bible. Most people nodded their head and agreed but I began to realize most people had no clue of what I was talking about. I found this very disturbing that people were not understanding me. But soon I found somebody who actually knew what I was talking about. It was a anointed brother named Chris. I meet him at the last year of the building of the Assembly Hall in Rosenberg Texas.
I found him carefully wording what he was speaking to me about the bible. I also remember that I felt like he might be an apostate but how could this be? I begin to realize that the wicked one did not want me to associate with him and he would even put him in a bad light so I would find fault with him. I was allowed to discern that this was going on, he still knew something that I did not know, and I need to find out what that was. I was drawn to him, I tried to ask him questions about being anointed but he was evasive. He said that there was one Scripture in the Bible that would help identify who was anointed. Of course, I wanted to know what it was, but he was not going to tell me. He would only ask me what were my favorite scriptures?
I was still not aware of Romans 8:14-16 because I was reading the Bible straight through from Genesis and had not come upon that scripture as of yet. There was a scripture in Romans 8:26-27 that was my favorite Scripture at that time, but I had not read it in full context.
When we had finished one of our discussions after working on a Friday night. I had to go to my grandmother’s house Refugio Texas close to Corpus Christi. Now that I had read this Scripture in context and understood exactly what it was saying and the meaning of it. It was time to confirm with Jehovah God if this was true in my case. I was looking for a Yes or No answer to being anointed, but I did not want to be tricked or fooled by the wicked one so my plan was to ask in one of my silent prayers, my thinking was that the wicked one cannot hear my prayer, looking back now how ridiculous of a thought that was. After all how do your prayers ascend to heaven anyway?
It was a foggy night I had left late 9:30 pm and it was about a 3-hour drive, I remember feeling a presence with me so eventually I prayed and asked “am I anointed” a heavy voice answered in my head, and it said Yes, and a lesser voice said it means your death. Was confused so I would ask again “am I anointed?” Every time I asked, I would receive the Holy Spirit as a confirmation of yes, it did not matter if I said it out loud or if I said it to myself in my head. I would even test it and I would say “am I an Apple” and I even substituted other words testing to see if I was being tricked or fooled, and yes looking back, I got a laugh at myself for doing that.
I become overjoyed that night to understand that the Abba Father is part of adoption process of becoming an adopted son of God. Galatians 4:1-6
The Lords Evening Meal
Now I knew who I was and what I was to do, this was going to be hard. I would go out to Chris house on weekends and as I left his house the demons were harassing me trying to get me to become afraid and not return. That was not going to happen my faith was strong now and I had a determination to see this calling through to the end.
I told my dad ahead of time what was going to happen at the next Memorial, that I had to partake of the emblems, and I knew of the ramifications that this was going to cause my family after all he was an elder in the congregation. My partaking was basically openly admitting that you are going to sit in heaven with Christ and this was a little too much for the Spring Branch Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses to grasp. After all they teach that living forever in paradise was the goal that men were to press towards. Galatians 1:6-9, Matthew 11:12
It was March 5,1994 after sundown, the pressure had been building all week on me. I was a happy outgoing person and made friends really easy. But the people here at this congregation all knew me. They knew I had been disfellowshipped before at the age of 18 for conduct unbecoming of a Christian. They all knew that I had not been coming back to the meetings very long for me to have some kind of strong foundation in truth. Then there were the thoughts of why me? Who am I that I should dare to imagine going to heaven? What were the people to think?
It was not long before I was made manifest before the congregation by the partaking of the emblems at the Memorial of Jesus Christ. There was a sister who was sitting straight in front of me who had turn around and looked as I partook, and she gasped loudly. My stepmother was at the end of the aisle leaning forward and looking as the emblems were coming down the aisle and she saw me partake. She flew back in her seat with her eyes wide open, I am sorry I nearly lost it right then, that was too funny.
After the Memorial, the brothers called me to the back room and wanted to know what did I think I was doing? They had all kinds of questions for me. Do you understand what this meant to partake? I recalled to them that a particular brother Jimmy James was aware of a particular conversation that I had with him as we drove in his car two months earlier, we were talking about Holy Spirit and how it affected your life. I reminded him that we talked about these things. After that, the brothers left me alone, but they always had their eye on me.
The rest of the year was exceptionally good for me, I kept growing in understanding and I was being shown things of the spirit. I had a awaken vision but not to elaborate. I saw things in the spirit realm, I was shown what a messenger of God looked like.
I came in from the service one day and I was laying on my bed praying. Then I saw an angel with a lion’s face, he had a bowl in his hands, and he poured it out upon me as I was laying on the bed, the amount of Holy Spirit that poured out from the bowl was enough to physically shake me. I was bewildered, I had never have received Holy Spirit in such great amount all one time like that. Nothing was said to me about that, it just happened. I was puzzled but did not think much more about it after all I was not told anything about it, what was I to think?
Not long after that Chris came to visit me at my house, and he was moved to tell me that soon it would become very quiet for me. I would not be receiving the things of the spirit anymore. This was very distressing for me I was becoming used to being led by the spirit, now what was I supposed to do?
Life Lessons Learned
Next week Chris’s youngest son joined a gang. As soon as this had become known to Chris he called the gang leader and got the members together and told them that his son is not going to be a part of the gang. There are only two ways out of a gang either shot or beat out. So, Chris’s youngest son got the snot beat out of him, but he was no longer part of the gang. I tell you this because of what happens next in my life and it is truly relevant.
You see because I was not standing firm for Jehovah, I then by default ran with the wicked that’s just the way it is. There is no neutral ground in this fight for who is going to rule the world, there’s just two sides God’s and the rebellion. And even though I used to think that this fight was between God and the wicked, we have a choice; I learned this the hard way.
I was awoken from sleep one night early, way before midnight, there was a voice it gently woke me and said they’re coming. Of course, I said “what do I care” little did I know what I was in store for the next two weeks. I was being physical harass by the wicked spirits. They would hold my wife down putting their hand over her mouth. And then they would shake me, they would try to project into my brain, but God would not allow them to put images in my head. At first, I was terrified by the end of the three weeks I realized they could do no more than what God allowed them to do. I was no longer afraid of the things that go bump in the night. I gained a valuable education of who really is in control, it is Jehovah God, anything else that happens is because he allows it. Truly the kingdom had drawn near and its effect upon my life was evident.
The Calling of Ray Michelle
I was tired, beat up, I had black eyes from the lack of sleep. But I continued to press on every day eager to talk about the kingdom and the blessings that were coming. I had the privilege of working with the regional building committee working on Kingdom Halls because I was a plumber I was in great demand. I would love to tell the Bible stories that I had learned, they were not controversial just interesting spiritual perception that had been given that made the stories more three-dimensional like they were alive when I would tell them, and why not, it was the spirit that was telling the stories, it was just my lips that were moving.
I met an unusual couple Ray and his wife Ray Michelle they move into our congregation. Ray family went to the Spring Branch Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses where I attended. As I told my Bible stories Ray Michelle came to life, she became animated and extremely interested in the perspective of the stories that the spirit of God was revealing. You see she loved to study God’s word and she had a notebook with all kinds of notes of things that she learned. Soon her and her husband would go with me to Chris’s house and talk about all kinds of spiritual things, it was truly up building.
One-night Chris’s daughter came in the room where we were talking, and she asked Ray Michelle if she was anointed? Ray Michelle did not answer she got up went to the restroom came back after doing a prayer and said yes, she was. This is great news, but highly irregular, anointed people were few and far between in numbers because there was a new hope that the congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses was teaching, life forever in Paradise on earth. I soon began to realize that I was going to be scrutinized because of being the same Kingdom Hall, now I was going to be blamed for her partaking of the emblems. Boy the pressure was on again for me. But Ray Michelle decided to go talk to the presiding overseer of the congregation’s whose name was Carl. Surprisingly he took this news well telling her if she didn’t partake of the emblems, forgive me let get this right he said “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” now if you knew this brother you would understand why this was so funny, he was straight and by the book. He revealed to her that one of his studies had claimed to be anointed and after partaking at the memorial one year he then moved to South America to preach God’s word. Wow that was revelation but even though that was said I still felt the eyes of all on me. Well soon after the memorial that year April 3, 1996, Ray and Ray Michelle moved to Florida, and I cried I was going to miss them.
Being Taught by God
Isaiah 54:13… And all your sons will be persons taught by Jehovah, and the peace of your sons will be abundant.
This Scripture has a lot of meaning for me in my life, I was being taught and I realized that the Scripture said that all would be taught by God, we would not need to be teaching one another about who God was, or what he was doing. Micah 4:2-7
We would construct houses of worship and because I was a plumber I was in great need. I would love to tell my Bible stories at these gatherings, spiritual truth that I learned, things that were not doctrinal but more abstract, little pieces of truth by themselves may not amount to much but once this information has been gathered together and one would apply questions then more meaty and deeper spiritual thoughts would become apparent and this required a measure of critical thinking.
The stories were designed to draw people out and what people really thought and felt about the Scriptures and then Holy Spirit would begin to work with these people revealing other Bible truths, it was exciting to see these people come to life with this spiritual truth, small though they may be, there was a work being done and it wasn’t being done me.
Inwood Kingdom Hall
We eventually moved into the congregation of Inwood because we were in their territory. They were extremely loving, and I can only remember some of these brother names like Brother Peoples, L. Serat, Joe Bork…
Atascocita Kingdom Hall
Soon our family moved to Atascocita and into a new congregation, my grandmother who was a Lutheran also moved in with us, it was now time for us to start taking care of her.
We were well received in the congregation, we were even allowed to have the book study at our home. I was aloud the privilege of becoming a ministerial servant and we assisted the older brothers in the congregation with the duties that surround our fellowship. I took care of the sound equipment and the attendance.
One of the other duties was to give talks to the congregation during what we would call the service meeting and eventually Sundays. Normally they would allow you to give longer parts on the school before would eventually give a talk on a Sunday. But that was not the case for me I got to do both in one week, boy the pressure was on. I was to share the Sunday talk with another brother, I would start it and he was going to finish the talk and yes, we had an outline but I had never done a talk like that before I was terrified. Like I said to complicate it I was to give the service meeting part also in the same week, again I never give one of those before. Talk about from the frying pan into the fire. Looking back now I can see that I was made to fail, but why you might ask? It was all due to pride the killer of Gods anointed people.
The Memorial
Pretty soon it was time to celebrate the memorial of Christ’s death at the new hall. You see not all knew that I was a partaker of the emblems. There were only two brothers who knew Steve Calvert who was in Spring Branch Kingdom Hall with me. And the secretary of the new hall brother Boyd who when receiving our publishers card saw that the card was marked anointed so, he thinking that was a mistake he drew up a new publisher’s card and marked it other sheep. Which laid the groundwork for the following events.
That evening of the memorial at the kingdom Hall it was so full that brothers standing up to allow women to sit. We even had an overflow of people standing out in the entryway outside the building there was about 16 to 18 of us out there, I of course being one of them I believe the attendance that night was somewhere around 350 people. We could all hear the meeting outside just fine, but the problem was I knew that I had to partake of the emblems. So not wanting to miss out I called of one of the elders who is standing in the back and let him know that I was going to be partaking of the emblems.
This really funny grin come upon his face and he insisted that I come into the hall and he went and found me a seat up front asking another person to move out of it so I can sit in it, boy how embarrassing that was the last thing I wanted to do, that of make a scene in the middle of the kingdom Hall.
All the pressure was on now to complicate things it was another person attending the hall and at the passing of the wine happen the person proceeded to down the glass making it obviously empty. So, when the glass got back up to the front all knew it was empty. Everyone knew someone had just drank the wine this was highly unusual and quite a stir in the congregation after that night people started avoiding me.
That is only the start of my baptism by fire my pride got in the way and eventually got me in trouble to the point that I was removed as a ministerial servant and rightly so. The wicked one made good use of this and was working hard on my emotions and my feelings to the point where I finally had to move to another Kingdom Hall and Humble Texas 7 miles away. Eventually the pressure and the emotional turmoil abated enough that a couple years later I moved back to the Atascocita kingdom Hall where I needed to face the pressures and so that the love of Christ could be made perfect in me besides that I was to be honored there still.
Tropical Storm Allison
June 5, 2001 – rains began and a stalled-out storm floods Houston devastating many houses. Our organization arranged for a rebuilding work for the homes of the local brothers totaling some 700. And because I was a plumber I was in great demand. I had been invited to a special meeting of the elders and ministerial servants to head up the work of rebuilding and I received a letter inviting me to come but I knew I had been deleted as a ministerial servant but after consulting with Lloyd McManus who knew of my situation, he insisted that I come to the meeting anyway.
How strange it was to now be honored among the group of men, I felt unusual amount of pressure. Because brother Boyed had also been invited to the meeting. I was sitting with brother Lloyd when the next events unfolded.
The first person called to head up the work was brother Boyd as he picked his team, he asked that I be on it. The chairman interrupted him up to seven times asking him to pick someone that he can trust, someone that would be faithful, someone he felt comfortable with these kinds of questions about who he should pick to be on his team. Each time he chose me, immediately I realized that the Father in heaven had arranged all this to go down in such a way that I should be honored I was very shaken up and moved.
At the next meeting brother Boyd had to announce to the congregation that he and I would be working together in the rebuilding work and for the people who want to volunteer to come see me to get put on the list. I mean to say right now that it was a very moving moment for me, I felt restored, and the congregation warmed back up to me finally.
Anointed Sisters Abound
Eventually Ray Michelle and Ray moved back to Houston and into my congregation and what a joy for me. We also had another anointed sister move into the congregation her name was Rose Phillips and her husband Bill. Rose had come from the Magnolia congregation from the northwest side of Houston. I knew about this hall, I actually helped repair the septic system 10 years earlier. It is funny how people crisscross our paths many times in our lives, I have learned that this is not by chance. We eventually moved into the Magnolia congregation but not before moving back to the Inwood congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses what a loving congregation, the last Memorial I was there they asked if I would like to do the prayer but they asked at the last moment and I declined, those prayers need to be well thought out that was too much pressure at that time but I prayed and asked that our Father in heaven if really wanted me to do that prayer that the opportunity to come up again. We stayed there for about two years before moving out to Magnolia Texas.
In the Magnolia congregation I knew quite a few of the brothers from the RBC and the first memorial here the brothers come to ask me to do the prayer over the bread and eventually I was made ministerial servant again.
In this kingdom hall I became associated with Christine & Delma. Both these sisters also in time begin to partake of the emblems publicly during the memorial of Christ’s death. There were quite a few people who began to see a pattern of people who were associating with me would eventually partake of the emblems and this created a whole new problem. That’s not saying I was the cause of all these people become anointed because No I am not. Each person is called by Christ, I was only used by the spirit to help awaken them to the time. All were called way before I came around and each person will need to tell their own story and in their own timelines.
Called To Work at Wallkill
September 2013, I got to go work at Watchtower Farms in Wallkill New York for two weeks. I was able to be at the annual meeting for the first time in my life. There was a release of the new simplified Gray Bible. I got to see some very interesting things, such as the joking, playful attitudes between the governing body members. Brother Samuel Heard had a little bit more of an attitude he seemed to be prideful and resentful toward the other brothers, but I kept my mouth shut and just watched. Looking back now I remember seeing a young brother who later I was introduced to, his name is Quinn.
Call to Work at Warwick
December 2014, the chance to go back to work at Bethel at the new facility in Warwick came. I was allowed to work on the fire suppression system. I was housed at a city called Goshen New York. Interesting circumstances like the name Goshen is the land the Israelites lived in when they were in Egypt there is another similarity. We were worked like Hebrew slaves, it was long hours from the time you got up and we were bused out to the facility, we were up at 430 am. We had breakfast and family worship before he went to work, we came back for lunch and right back to work at closing time we were bused back to the motel about 5:30 pm.
I meet Sherry an anointed sister and I cannot think of her last name, but she was friends with two anointed sisters here in Houston whose names are Miranda and Ray Michelle.
Sherry had been working here for a couple years at Bethel and had had some very interesting experiences. Miranda put me in touch with her and we arranged to meet her and two other people who were in the process of being called by Christ. I was really excited to meet them all. During dinner we changed some experiences some scriptures and Quinn and Sherry, and the other sister began to tell me some strange things that have been going on while they were here working in Bethel. They were expressing fear that they were being followed, that there were people coming into the room and searching it when they were not there. That they may have even been videoed in their own rooms like they were being in or under surveillance.
Weekend in New York
Eventually we arranged to have Quinn pick me up who himself was a ministerial servant and we went down to New York for the weekend where he gave a talk in Chinese language. The congregation took us out to lunch later on we met Sherry and two other sisters at Columbia Heights to tour the art collection.
The thing that Sherry kept expressing to me was that she felt happy that she could play a part in helping in the abyssing of Satan, I kept trying to explain to her that that job was only to be done by Jesus. So I found a picture of Jesus throwing Satan into the abyss for the 1000 years. I could not resist taking a picture where I am standing next to Jesus helping him, I wanted to illustrate the point it was only Jesus who is going to do this. I sent this picture also to Miranda and I deleted it after, I also shared it with Sherry. She got the point at that time I was not aware of it, but many others saw the picture who are not friendly to Christ Jesus or the anointed. The spirits of the rebellion saw It and boy did it create a problem for me almost immediately.
Sherry arranged to have Quinn and I spend the night with Kathryn & Fitz who lived in Queens New York. When we got there, I was able to engage in spiritual conversation and tell my Bible stories.
I did not know it at the time but as soon as I was done my spirit discerned that Kathryn had prayed about two anointed brothers coming over, one older and younger and sharing their hopes with them. I do not remember what I said to her at the time to cause her to share her prayer, but it was very revealing and confirmed many things for us. The next morning, she wanted me to meet her two Bible students. But after not being able to get a hold them she said there was a sister who was anointed in her hall and everybody treated badly including herself and she regrets it she asked if I would talk to her so I agreed and said call her. Her name was Aphrodite she was truly the Greek woman who spoke her native tongue. After visiting with her for a while on the phone and realizing and feeling her pain she asked that we come to her meeting and she just made us come to her meeting, so we agreed.
Everybody sat down on one row and I sat down a seat or two away from them. After the meeting to brothers rushed up to me and no not at the same time, the first was older brother and kept pushing to go meet these women which I felt was very odd because I was not interested. The next brother whose name is Ron Cruzan who was a helper to the governing body came up next to shaking my hand really hard not letting go and asking me where was I from? what was I doing? I felt like I was in the inquisition. This was very strange and out of the ordinary, not loving.
Back to Work
A couple of days later two brothers came looking for me at the worksite they pulled me aside and one brother began asking me where I had been, that there had been a bad report about me. That I gone to the Kingdom Hall in tennis shoes, that my clothing was disheveled. That I had been overly friendly with the women there. Lastly, they talked about my mustache how it was disgusting and un-Christian to be wearing it. Brother who was not talking was the table chairman where we ate breakfast at every morning, wow I was floored to say the least. The Brother was yelling so loud, and he was spitting on me as he was talking, I stayed calm I felt the Holy Spirit resting on me. They said if I want to be able to have my privileges and come back to serve up here that I would have to make changes in my life, the mustache had to go. I assured the brothers I would go immediately and shave it off. It was right before lunch and that is exactly what I did. I took the shuttle over to the headquarters, bought a razor and went upstairs in the restroom and shaved immediate.
The rest of that day people made comments about my shaving of my mustache and I told them my story of what had happened, and they were impressed and gave me accolades for the obedience that I showed. Well my 2 weeks were up time it was to go home.
The Meeting of Yocasta & Amaryllis
It is April 2015, by now I know lots of people who are being called. Danny and Renée are among that number. They had recently married and moved into our congregation. Renée has an exceptional gift, that of a higher functioning brain like a savant, but with social inadequacies, but I love them dearly.
We would engage in deep spiritual conversation, we specially love talking about the timeline of the Lord’s day. It was around this time that the New York group specifically Kathern introduces the Texas group to some newly anointed friends. Kathern had a friend / sister from her congregation whose name was to Yocasta who just got an awaking and realized their calling, she along with her fleshy sister Amaryllis.
Yocosta with her daughter Samantha moved to Sugarland Texas and Miranda introduced them to Renée who invited Tracy my wife and I over to meet them for lunch one day. Eventually Amaryllis also moved to Sugarland Texas also.
Is about this time that Danny and Renee sold their house here in Magnolia Texas and moved to Crockett Texas and was basically living out of the tent as they built their house. Now Danny is not really a carpenter, so this was an act of faith on their part to do this and it was nice to see the Lord Jesus help him build this house. Psalms 127:1
We would also go and help them work on the house, we would love to talk about the spiritual things. Needless to say, this drew attention from a lot of wicked spirits who began to cause problems.
The antichrist spirit starts to make its manifestation, but we were unaware of it. We had never experienced such a thing. By now it was June 2015 and I had just been given authority over on unclean spirits and wicked spirits. I had gone to Crockett congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses and during the Sunday meeting the Scriptures was shown to me again by the spirit.
Promptly the next day the brother from the Crockett Hall showed up at the building of the Miller house and began to quiz me about who I was and what I was doing? This is highly unusual, latter I was told this brother loved to confront all who clamed to be anointed and he loved to prove them wrong, but I am a very open person if you ask a question I am going to give you an answer.
When I returned home from that weekend, I was welcomed home by a spirit, now this was real unusual, I really had no dealings with spirits up to this point. So I pretty much ignored all that was said by it. I did my prayer and in going to bed I was told that the wicked one was approaching, and basically, he threaten me about my son, which I retorted we have a hope in the resurrection and that was that.
For the rest of my story see Timothy’s Timeline were you will be able to hyperlink to all my unusual experiences.
Writingwithlogos.com – Last Revised 5/18/23