Embracing the certainty that we in fact exist within a uniquely created multi-dimensional universe is tantamount to unraveling, interpreting and understanding the prophecies of Revelation. That being said, of critical importance is having the direction of the “Spirit of Truth,” which guides our discernment, knowledge and understanding. (1 Corinthians 12)
Within the dimensions of creation, there exists “heavens” and “earth” (Genesis 1:1); not a singular heaven but plural “heavens.” This is the word used to convey the multiple dimensions of spirit existence. The Book of Enoch recounts the prophet’s experience in being transferred through several dimensions, reaching the “seventh Heaven.” (2 Enoch 20)
Within these “heavens” exist differing types of spirit creatures; some of which are revealed as the Revelation prophecy unfolds.
The introduction of Revelation tells us that our Creator chose to disclose the happenings within spiritual dimensions and how such would affect the celestial heavens, the nature of Planet Earth and all life existing within our dimension. In doing so, we are reassured that, “Happy is he who reads aloud and those that hear the words of this prophecy, and who observe the things written in it; for the appointed time is near.” (Rev. 1:3)
When scaffolding interpretation’s framework, it’s necessary to become familiar with the written record of spiritual and physical history. The books of Enoch and Genesis for starters. Bringing the reader up to speed is no expedited matter but suffice it to say that the dominion of Earth was bestowed on the initial human couple, Adam and Eve of Eden. (Gen. 1:28) Their right to exercise dominion of the Earth was usurped as some spirits (Enoch 7) left their heavenly station, materialized and inhabited fleshly form, took human wives and produced hybrid children. Other spirits began to direct humans in various acts of corruption, in body, mind and spirit. (Enoch 8) Although the initial spiritual rebellion was temporarily remedied by “abyssal,” (a term used in scripture for spiritual imprisonment of a severe degree,) the critical issue isn’t one of Earthly domination but rather WHO has the right of Universal Sovereignty?
The prophecies of Revelation, through visions, symbolism and dimensional verbiage, reveal to Yahweh’s “servants his confidential matter,” that of removing disobedient creatures and restoring his creation to its original purpose. (Amos 3:7) In this thrilling message to the brethren of Christ Yeshua, we can be assured that we are living in the time of this prophecy’s fulfillment. Perhaps the following insights will deepen your appreciation of all our Creator has done and will do as a preservation of his beloved children.
Writingwithlogos.com – Contributed by Reene Miller