The Robb Elementary School Tragedy
What were the failures surrounding this tragedy? Who is to blame?
The first mistake as we see it is a fundamental one, and it falls squarely on the shoulders of the parents of a child. Discipline, direction, and the teaching of right and wrong is the obligation of all parents. We are obligated to instill a moral compass into every child brought into this world. This starts with teaching them the fear of God and have respect for authority, but they are not alone in this duty. All adults share in raising children in a community because they are our legacy and our future. Proverbs 3:1-12
Failure of Leadership
We have appointed people by elections to share in the administration for civilization and they are responsible for the safety and growth of the community. And they have failed us because of their choices and their agendas, they have not looked out for the interest of us nor our children. This polarization of ideologies and loyalty to political party prevent successful governance, and this is a failure to serve the overall community at large.
Hypocrites because they practice righteousness in front of us all. Jesus Christ made an observation about these types of people when he called them out. He said they were hypocrites because they like to be glorified by man. They want to be viewed by all; they want the appearance that they are godly. But are they really for God and his ways? Matthew 6:1-16
Wickedness has been allowed to overtake humanity with its attitude of free will, God doesn’t care or can’t see approach to life, and this is led to, a everything goes lifestyle, where people do whatever they want. They have taken God out of our lives, out of our schools, out of our churches and out of their governments, shame on them. And so, they will reap what they sow until, there is a turning back to God’s righteousness.
Civil liberties are taken away from all people when the abuse of the minority affect the freedoms of the majority, that’s just a fact otherwise society breaks down and disappears. Somebody responsible needs to take action before it’s too late and like the Roman Empire we cease to exist as a cohesive society.
What can be done to fix this problem? How can we handle these problems?
Needed Change
There needs to be an adjustment to liberties and freedoms that we possess. We need to return back to the godly principles and rules of law, we need to restore civil order to the chaos that is raging in our country and in our world.
As a civil society we need to address the entertainment industry as a whole. Children are taught by sight; monkey see monkey do, that’s just a fact. There needs to be age limits imposed to children and adolescents especially when it comes to video games, the introduction to violence and suggestive behavior runs rapid in this industry.
This needs to be dealt with immediately before further damage is done to our communities. Can we or should we start suing the entertainment industry for the increased violence in our society? How else are you going to address the entertainment industry?
Next there needs to be an age limit to the buying of any weapon. There needs to be legislation that restricts certain types of weaponry being held in the hands of civilians. Not the taking away of that liberty but the modification to the type and limit of weaponry possessed, along with its accessories.
We have to restore civil order! Guns are more powerful than alcohol and we restrict by age limit the use of alcohol, so to we need to restrict the age limit to buying and owning of guns. We have to go to school to learn how to drive a car legally, the same should be true for owning and using guns.
We need to teach a mandatory Gun Safety Class’s on responsibility, respect, value of life, and safety for guns just as we teach learning to drive. Children do not have more freedoms and liberties than do adults, so let’s fix this problem.
Community Failure
Did the emergency responders in the community sound the alarm so that a lock down could be implemented? Why was the back door of the school unable to lock? Warnings that have been issued by the prevailing authorities outlining school safety, so why were the warnings not acted on?
Why did the police not have the proper gear or assets so that they could access the school immediately? What resources were missing from the school that should’ve been provided?
Who lied during the press conference and who thought that was a good idea? Who was the person that sold the gun to the perpetrator of the crime? Why did law enforcement hold back from entering and taking down the gun man?
Mental health is a community problem and needs to be dealt with by all in the community. Do we have a type of red flag law do and if we do does it need to be modified?
Wickedness cannot continue to rule over the lives of mankind without intervention. Change needs to be implemented by those in charge before it’s too late. People need to have a backbone to stand up against all special interest groups with their agendas.
Start praying for God’s righteous intervention and his kingdom. Come Lord Jesus and usher in God’s kingdom! – Last Revised 4/24/23