Daniel 2:44… the God of the heavens will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed…
God has given us the understanding of his timeline and of who shall have rulership over the earth. Nebuchadnezzar was given a vision first, then God told Daniel what it meant. So, we too can understand the events surrounding Gods incoming Kingdom and the timing of its rulership.
Let us now review the dream and add any known events that have happened so far in history to the timeline. We will be looking at other dreams and visions given to Daniel but first let us focus on Daniel chapter 2.
Daniel 2:1-49…In the second year of his reign (about 603 BC), Nebuchadnezzar had dreams that troubled him, and sleep deserted him. 2 So the king gave orders to summon the magicians, mediums, sorcerers, and Chaldeans to tell the king his dreams. When they came and stood before the king, 3 he said to them, “I have had a dream and am anxious to understand it”…
16 So Daniel went and asked the king to give him some time, so that he could give the king the interpretation. 17 Then Daniel went to his house and told his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah about the matter, 18 urging them to ask the God of the heavens for mercy concerning this mystery, so Daniel and his friends would not be destroyed with the rest of Babylon’s wise men. 19 The mystery was then revealed to Daniel in a vision at night, and Daniel praised the God of the heavens 20 and declared: May the name of God be praised forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to him. 21 He changes the times and seasons; he removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. 22 He reveals the deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with him. 23 I offer thanks and praise to you, God of my ancestors, because you have given me wisdom and power. And now you have let me know what we asked of you, for you have let us know the king’s mystery…
26 The king said in reply to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, “Are you able to tell me the dream I had and its interpretation?” 27 Daniel answered the king, “No wise man, medium, magician, or diviner is able to make known to the king the mystery he asked about. 28 But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has let King Nebuchadnezzar know what will happen in the last days. Your dream and the visions that came into your mind as you lay in bed were these: 29 Your Majesty, while you were in your bed, thoughts came to your mind about what will happen in the future. The revealer of mysteries has let you know what will happen. 30 As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I have more wisdom than anyone living, but in order that the interpretation might be made known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind.
The Kings Dream
31 “Your Majesty, as you were watching, suddenly a colossal statue appeared. That statue, tall and dazzling, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was terrifying. 32 The head of the statue was pure gold, its chest and arms were silver, its stomach and thighs were bronze, 33 its legs were iron, and its feet were partly iron and partly fired clay. 34 As you were watching, a stone broke off without a hand touching it, struck the statue on its feet of iron and fired clay, and crushed them. 35 Then the iron, the fired clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were shattered and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors. The wind carried them away, and not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
The Dream’s Interpretation
36 “This was the dream; now we will tell the king its interpretation. 37 Your Majesty, you are king of kings. The God of the heavens has given you sovereignty, power, strength, and glory. 38 Wherever people live—or wild animals, or birds of the sky—he has handed them over to you and made you ruler over them all. You are the head of gold (Babylon 605 – 539 BC).
39 “After you, there will arise another kingdom, inferior to yours, of silver (Persia 550 – 331 BC), and then another, a third kingdom of bronze (Greece 331 – 146 BC), which will rule the whole earth. 40 A fourth kingdom will be as strong as iron (Rome 146 – 1453 CE); for iron crushes and shatters everything, and like iron that smashes, it will crush and smash all the others.
The ideology of Rome indeed fits this category of crush or be crushed, it was also one of assimilation. Other nations or cultures could become Roman either by annexation or by buying the right to become Roman. Rome’s fundamental rulership was that of a Republic a type of democracy.
We can’t help but notice that in the dream the statue had two legs, though this is not called out as anything specific. It is just a fact that Rome split to Eastern Rome and Western Rome. Rome eventually went from being a world power to that of a religious power as the Roman Catholic Church that exist today. It has influence over and with governmental authorities all around the world.
The Fifth Kingdom
41 You saw the feet and toes, partly of a potter’s fired clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom, though some of the strength of iron will be in it. You saw the iron mixed with clay, 42 and that the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly fired clay, part of the kingdom will be strong, and part will be brittle. 43 You saw the iron mixed with clay, the peoples will mix with one another but will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with fired clay.
This fifth Kingdom is one of Roman origins. It has the same religious beliefs and rulership characteristics, but the main difference are the mixture of people that are found under its control, that creates this unstable environment that it exist in. We can look at the world governments around us today and see many of the fundamental ideas of Rome exist in these governments, such as democracy. A lot of the same governments also hold to the Roman Catholic Church as being a voice for good from God. The United Nations was formed with three of the primary governments that were behind establishing of it, and they too were a Christian nation at some point. USA, Great Britain, and China then the Soviet Union joined but it was communist at that time. Times have changed and the Soviet Union has broken up but the major player behind the Soviet Union being that of Russia and it considered itself the Eastern Orthodox Church state before communist took hold. China had its revolution 1949 and now is communist.
The 10 toes are not called out as being anything significant by God to Daniel. We cannot help but notice from other scriptures like Daniel 7:7-8 and Revelation 17:8-18 that there are 10 horns on the wild beast that play a role in the rulership of the world. Will be discussing more about this later on in this article. Under the subheading: The 11th King
So, here is what we can say as of now about King Nebuchadnezzar statue and the rulership over Gods people. History has shown us some of its first players where in the timeline. We have Babylon as the head, Persia as the chest, Greece as the torso, Rome as the legs. The feet is a kingdom with some type of Romen roots acting as a Republic a Democracy with its support given to or with the Catholic Church or another religious movement.
The Incoming Kingdom of Peace
44 “In the days of those kings, the God of the heavens will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be left to another people. It will crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end but will itself endure forever (Ezekiel 48:35). 45 You saw a stone break off from the mountain without a hand touching it, and it crushed the iron, bronze, fired clay, silver, and gold. The great God has told the king what will happen in the future. The dream is certain, and its interpretation reliable.”
After reading about this dream I can’t help but say Amen, “let thy kingdom come, let thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-14 God’s kingdom is being set up, its rulership will be forever, it will usher in peace for those who accept it’s rule. Philippians 2:9-11
Nebuchadnezzar’s Response
46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell facedown, worshiped Daniel, and gave orders to present an offering and incense to him. 47 The king said to Daniel, “Your God is indeed God of gods, Lord of kings, and a revealer of mysteries, since you were able to reveal this mystery.” 48 Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many generous gifts. He made him ruler over the entire province of Babylon and chief governor over all the wise men of Babylon. 49 At Daniel’s request, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to manage the province of Babylon. But Daniel remained at the king’s court.
The king gave an appropriate response but how many more will respond favorably to what God has revealed about his incoming kingdom? Psalms 2:1-12
God gave to Nebuchadnezzar the king of the then known world a prophecy that would line out the secession of world rulers till God establishes his own kingdom that would rule over mankind. For more information about the history of these kingdoms follow the hyperlink to God’s Kingdom is Set.
What other secrets were revealed to Daniel about God’s Kingdom and the rulership’s that would play a role in the timeline to the countdown of the last days? We will now review other important Scriptures found in Daniel that tie-in to the kingdom and the last days.
Daniel’s Vision About Four Animals
Daniel was still in Babylon when he is given his own vision about the world rulership’s that are coming next. This vision is different than the one that was given to Nebuchadnezzar. There is more detail given about the fourth beast to Daniel.
Daniel 7:1-27… In Belshazzar’s first year as king of Babylon (550 BC), Daniel had a dream (he was about 67 years old). He saw a vision while he was asleep. He wrote down the main parts of the dream. 2 In my visions at night I, Daniel, saw the four winds of heaven stirring up the Mediterranean Sea. 3 Four large animals, each one different from the others, came out of the sea. 4 The first animal was like a lion (Babylon), but it had wings like an eagle. I watched until its wings were plucked off and it was lifted off the ground. It was made to stand on two feet like a human and was given a human mind.
5 I saw a second animal. It looked like a bear (Persia). It was raised on one side and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, “Get up, and eat as much meat as you want.”
6 After this, I saw another animal. It looked like a leopard (Greece). On its back it had four wings, like the wings of a bird. The animal also had four heads. It was given power to rule.
Alexander the Great came from Greece and before he died he gave to his four generals the kingdoms that they had just conquered, it was divided up among the four of them.
7 After this, I saw a fourth animal in my vision during the night. It was terrifying, dreadful, extraordinarily strong, and had large iron teeth (Rome). It devoured and crushed its victims and trampled whatever was left. It acted differently from all the other animals that I had seen before. It had ten horns.
The Little Horn with Eyes
8 While I was thinking about the horns, another horn, a little horn, came up among them. It uprooted three of the other horns. This horn had eyes like human eyes and a mouth that spoke impressive things.
9 I watched until thrones were set up and the Ancient One, who has lived for endless years, sat down. His clothes were as white as snow and the hair on his head was like pure wool. His throne was fiery flames, and its wheels were burning fire. 10 A river of fire flowed. It came from him. Thousands and thousands served him. Ten thousand times ten thousand were stationed in front of him. The court convened, and the books were opened.
11 I continued to watch because of the impressive words that the horn was speaking. I watched until the animal was killed. Its body was destroyed and put into a raging fire (Revelation 19:20). 12 The power of the rest of the animals was taken away, but they were allowed to live for a period of time.
13 In my visions during the night, I saw among the clouds in heaven someone like a human (Son of Man). He came to the Ancient One, who has lived for endless years, and was presented to him. 14 He was given power, honor, and a kingdom. People from every province, nation, and language were to serve him. His power is an eternal power that will not be taken away. His kingdom will never be destroyed.
15 I, Daniel, was deeply troubled, and my visions frightened me. 16 I went to someone who was standing there and asked him to tell me the truth about all this. So he told me what all this meant. 17 He said, “These four large animals are four kingdoms that will rise to power on the earth. 18 But the holy people of God will take possession of the kingdom and keep it forever and ever.”
Daniel Request for more Understanding
19 Then I wanted to know the truth about the fourth animal, which was so different from all the others. It was very terrifying and had iron teeth and bronze claws. It devoured and crushed its victims and trampled whatever was left. 20 I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and about the other horn that had come up and made three of the horns fall out. That horn had eyes and a mouth that spoke impressive things. It appeared to be bigger than the others. 21 I saw that horn making war against the holy people and defeating them. 22 It did this until the Ancient One, who has lived for endless years, came and judged in favor of the holy people of God. The time came when the holy people took possession of the kingdom.
The 11th King
Daniel 7:23-27… He said, “The fourth animal will be the fourth of these kingdoms on earth. It will be different from all other kingdoms. It will devour, trample, and crush the whole world (Rome). 24 The ten horns are ten kings that will rise to power from that kingdom. Another king will rise to power after them. He will be different from the kings who came before him, and he will humble three kings. 25 He will speak against God, oppress the holy people of the Lord, and plan to change the appointed times and laws (Antiochus Epiphanes on 15th of Chislev 167 BC). The holy people will be handed over to him for a time, times, and half of a time. 26 But judgment will be handed down, his power will be taken away, and he will be completely and permanently destroyed. 27 The kingdom, along with the power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven, will be given to the holy people of God. Their kingdom is eternal. All other powers will serve and obey them.”
Has Daniel 7:23-27 been completely fulfilled? We asked this question simply because we do not see God’s Eternal Kingdom ruling as of yet, and we do not see all other powers serving the holy people of God. Let us look a little harder at this passage of Scripture and see if we can focus in on what we need to be looking for.
History has shown us this fourth beast is indeed Romen and the 10 kings that rule come from this beast as pointed out in verse 24. We need to be looking for the 11th king who rises to power from this beast. The key things we should look for are:
- He will be different than those who came before him.
- He will humble three kings.
- He will speak against God.
- He will oppress the Lord’s holy people.
- He will change the holidays of God and his laws.
What other scriptures point to the time when God’s people are trample upon? Next we will look into Daniel chapter 9 and how it worked in God’s Timeline.
The Breaking Down 70-week Vision
Here is what we know so far to date, we will add in at the appropriate Scripture notes about the historical facts that help us understand what the angel had said about this prophecy. This will also help us understand how it was fulfilled.
Danial 9:1-27… In the first year of Darius’ rule—Darius, who was Ahasuerus’ son, a Median by birth and who ruled the Chaldean kingdom (521 BC) 2 I, Daniel, pondered the scrolls, specifically the number of years that it would take to complete Jerusalem’s desolation according to the Lord’s word to the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah25:12-38) It was seventy years…
20 While I was still speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sins of my people Israel. While I was still praying my prayer for help to the Lord my God about my God’s holy mountain 21 while I was still speaking this prayer. The man Gabriel approached me at the time of the evening offering (the ninth hour or 3pm). This was the same Gabriel I had seen in my earlier vision. He was weary with exhaustion. 22 He explained as he spoke with me: “Daniel, here’s why I’ve come: to give you insight and understanding. 23 When you began making your requests, a word went out, and I’ve come to tell it to you because you are greatly treasured. So, now understand this word and grasp the meaning of this vision! 24 Seventy weeks (490 years) are appointed for your people and for your holy city to complete the rebellion, to end sins, to cover over wrongdoing, to bring eternal righteousness, to seal up prophetic vision, and to anoint the most holy place…
25 “So you must know and gain wisdom about this: There will be seven weeks (49 years with the Jubilee) from the moment the word went out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed, the Prince…
What was spoken here by the angel Gabriel was the identification to reestablish the Jubilee cycle.
And for sixty-two weeks the city will be rebuilt with a courtyard and a moat (H2742 determination). But in difficult times, 26 after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one will be eliminated. No one will support him…
The 62 weeks is not meant to be sequential but just that certain things would happen during that period of time. Like the rebuilding of the temple and the distressing times that the nation would find itself in. It was also here to help Daniel understand the re-establishment of the Jubilee cycle. When adding up the three mentioned time periods they match or equal the 490 years of the 70 weeks.
Also the word used as moat is not correct. Strong’s Concordance #H2742 could render the word as determination which makes more sense. This word moat is a mid-evil concept introduced by the translators. The fact is that Jerusalem sits on a mountain and in a dry climate where there is verry little rain water and where no moat is needed.
The army of a future leader (under Romen authority) will destroy the city and the sanctuary (70 CE). His end will come in a flood, but devastations will be decreed until the end of the war…
This flood is not to indicate a flood by water but that a wave action of devastations would continue upon the Army that devastated the sanctuary. Some would argue that this could have been the Seleucid Empire and the sanctuary being defiled in 167 by Antiochus (Epiphanes)the 4th. Then there would be turmoil with the ebb and flow of power over the city of Jerusalem. This king eventually kills himself by drowning after learning that he lost his army in a campaign east of Babylon.
Picking back up of the reading of Daniel chapter 9:
27 For one week, he will make a strong covenant with many people. For a half-week, he will stop both sacrifices and offerings. In their place will be the desolating monstrosities until the decreed destruction sweeps over the devastator…
In 30 CE The Messiah brought the message of the new covenant to the Jewish nation and all who accept it were blessed by it. After the death of the Messiah sacrifices and offerings to God made at the temple would be made useless. As the Messiah sat down at the right hand of God a new form of worship had been established and soon the destruction of the temple indicated that God had indeed stopped the sacrifices and offerings made from a man-made temple. From now on sacrifices and offerings will be made under the new arrangement.
Spiritual Fulfillment
Now we know how God fulfilled the physical 70 Week prophecy but is there a spiritual fulfillment also? Why would we even need to ask if there is a spiritual fulfillment to the 70-week prophecy?
Once we understood that the Seven Weeks prophecy actually introduces the building of the Temple and the timing of the coming of the Messiah. That there is more to it, it helps in the re-establishment of the Jubilee cycle and not just 49 years, but it was to include the 50th year as part of the Jubilee cycle. Does this fact change some of the math from our perspective or more specifically in counting time in the dimension that the spirit realm operates from?
What I mean to say is this, that the number 10 represents the things that happened for man such as the 70 Weeks x 7 weeks equals 490 years and not 500 years. If we add in the 10 years for the missing Jubilees, it would make the timeline 500 years.
But in fact, because we know that the word went forth (458 BC at the 71st Jubilee), and the fulfillment of the time of the Messiah and of his being cut off was exactly 490 years.
Besides this we also know the Scriptures said that the land had the payoff its sabbatical years even if man was not living upon the land. That would mean that more than man was involved in this prophecy and with the dealings of the Israelite nation. God dealt with both the spirit and the physical. Could we substantiate dimensional math through our timeline and what would we find in doing so?
What is Dimensional Math
What is dimensional math and how do or should we understand it?
Dimensional math refers to being able to see something from all sides such as the height, length, and the depth not just of an object but also of the subject matter. When we build a house we have to know the square footage. We also use dimensional math when calculating volume of the space. Ephesians 3:18
The dimensional math that were going to consider next is referring to the timing of the realm that man lives in, versus the realm that God operates from. God is the source of life and is dynamic in energy, the Scriptures calls God dynamic in power. Isaiah 40:25-28
We need to understand energy as a wave length like an x-ray or sound wave. Now if we had the ability to take that energy and we begin to fold it upon itself we create what is called mass.
Einstein’s theory of relativity E= mc2 demonstrates God’s power to create. It is known that creation was created with mathematical accuracy thus God is the ultimate mathematician. Now we should also have identified the ability that time really is compressed or folded energy and that it has a correlation with time. You should realize that Einstein’s theory of relativity has Incorporated a time factor in math. This is not a math class but is meant to demonstrate that there is a correlation between energy, time, and space.
With that understanding let us now look at some known dates that were established in history.
We now have a new timeline spreadsheet that is available that can take us back to the time of Adam entering the garden, see the hyperlink below:
Dates of History in the Timeline
Looking at the beginning of this timeline we can establish that Eve entered into the garden on the Gregorian calendar year of 4007 BCE. Thus helping us understand the beginning the first year of entry into the garden and this is where we will start our counting of time from.
Calculating 7000 years from the date 4007 BC puts us out at the year 2992 CE, at the 140 Jubilee. For those who already opened up in the spreadsheet that is some 260 pages if you are scrolling through it.
Reading from Jubilees 3:15-17 we can determine that Adam and Eve sinned on the 17th year after entering the garden.
Next in the year 521 BCE Gabriel gave understanding to Daniel close to the time that the 70 years of Jerusalem was paying back its Sabbath. That was also about 13.5 years before the 70th Jubilee which is also 3,500-years after entering the garden. In the Gregorian Callander that year was 508 BCE, and this is the halfway mark to the 7000 years or the 70th Jubilee.
The book of Revelation reveals that there will be a thousand years of rulership with Christ before the Devil is release from the abyss. Revelation 20:1-4
If we subtract the thousand years from 2992 CE we would end up back at the year 1992 CE and this was the year of the 120th Jubilee.
So, now we are left with a puzzling clue, math does not lie; and that there is no way for us to properly identify the year 1992 as being as important as it seems it should be. There is no physical evidence that we can see that the devil was thrown into the abyss in that year or that Christ began to rule with the 144,000 as revealed in the book of Revelation 20:1-4.
There is a very specific point of interest that I want to point out that in 2/16/1993 the World Trade Center building in New York USA was bombed. This occurred one year after the hundred and 120th Jubilee according to the God’s Timeline. Eight years later in 2001 the attack on the World Trade Center brought down both buildings.
The only thing that we can say is that there seems to be something happening in this timeline that we do not yet understand, maybe there is some type dimensional time shift that has got to be calculated or allowed for. Remember the release of God people happened in 458 BC on the 71st Jubilee. That would be 50 years after the 70th Jubilee and this has to be taken into consideration in any calculation we do. If we move the timeline out 50 years from 1992 it would take us out to 2042 2043. What should we see happening at this time? Would we see the Temple of God being reestablished in Jerusalem? Would we see a War of the World’s? What other the books of the Bible do we need to be looking into to discover the timing of God’s timeline?
We should see the first resurrection happen. Next there will be a crushing of the kingdoms that stand against the King of king and Lord of lords. We may see the abyssing of Satan the Devil. Then there will be the false prophet and the wild beast that are thrown into the lake of fire.
Appropriate Disclaimer
The information for this spreadsheet came from multiple sources and there may need to be adjustments to this timeline spreadsheet in the future. We have tried to align the Jewish time, the Gregorian time, and God’s timeline into a single timeline, and this may require an adjustment factor or another component to understand the dimensional math of time.
Amos 3:7-8 Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing his counsel to his servants the prophets. 8 A lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken; who will not prophesy?
Someone knows this information because God will reveal it at his place and time to his servants when he wants too.
The Clues
This formula was something that was found as I was looking at God’s Timeline, it may make sense to you at some point in the future but this how it goes.
(Man x God x Spirit = years? so 10 x 7 x 50 = 3500 years)
If you notice in the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9 we have the missing 10 jubilees of the 70 weeks, this is a clue, and we have used it in the formula as a man number.
God represents the number seven, it means complete. Also God gave the seventh day as a Sabbath to his creation, and this was our second clue the number 7.
The third clue is the number 50 and the reason being is that of the re-establishment of the jubilee cycle was hidden from mankind, but it has always celebrated by his invisible creation in the spirit realm.
Also 3500 years is half of 7000 years and 3500 years also equals 70 Jubilees
The Math Problem
3500 represents the 70 Jubilees or ½ of 7000 years. – 1000 rule with Christ = 2500 – 508 BCE the 70th Jubilee = 1992 CE at the 120th Jubilee + 1 as the zero year = 1993 CE + 50 years as a dimensional factor or shift of time = 2043 CE is the 121st Jubilee.
Did God call for the time to be reduced? What does this mean? I am not sure yet! In God’s time he will tell us for sure.
Writingwithlogos.com – Last Update 2/2/25